AgLink International New Members

plant, vegetation, grass, field, outdoors, nature, food, grain, produce

AgLink International is pleased to announce the addition of Novafield and ICD to its alliance in 2025.

AgLink International brings together six independent agricultural organisations (AgLink Canada, AgLink Australia, IAP (US), AgriRede (Brazil), ICD (New Zealand) and Novafield (Europe) globally. Collectively, the organisation is represented by 108 agricultural retail businesses across 17 countries and have a collective revenue of US$7B.

AgLink International objective is to connect its members and collaborate on matters of strategic importance. Some of these include:

  • Agricultural technology (digitalisation) & Innovation in Agronomy
  • Biostimulants and biopesticides
  • Market Intelligence – supplier and retail trends
  • Member engagement and networking
  • Cross country staff exchange experiences for staff

AgLink International is excited about the benefits this collaboration brings to both organisations and its individual members. Being globally connected has never been more important for independent agricultural retailers and we look forward to the opportunity this alliance will bring to the organisation in the future.